Make a payment to your First Eagle credit card or loan from home, work or while on vacation. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s fast, easy and secure!
When choosing this method:
- Pay your credit card or loan using your Checking or Savings account from another financial institution FOR FREE
- Pay your credit card or loan using a Debit Card or Credit Card; you will be charged a convenience fee equal to a percentage of the payment amount
- Your payment will be processed within 1-3 business days
- You can choose to make a one-time or recurring payment
- You will receive an email confirmation of payment for your records
**To make a payment from your First Eagle account, sign into Online Banking and click on the ‘Transfers’ tab on the menu bar
**If you choose to make a payment using a Debit Card or Credit Card, you agree to the fee. The amount will be specified prior to completing your payment

To Get Started, You Will Need:
- Your First Eagle member number and 4-digit loan number (i.e. L0001; the 4 digits are those following the “L”)
- The Checking or Savings account (account number and routing number) to be used for payment, or, your Debit Card or Credit Card
- Primary Borrower’s date of birth.
NOTE: Any non-standard payment amounts will be applied per the terms of your loan agreement. If you are future-dating a card payment, you must choose a payment date that is at least two business days prior to the due date of your loan to ensure that your payment posts on time and avoid late fees or penalties. Weekends and holidays are not considered business days.
If you experience problems with your loan account and would like to speak with a representative, contact us at 888-231-2022.
If you experience problems with your loan account and would like to speak with a representative, contact us at 888-231-2022.